Anomalies Innsbruck/Architectural Design Workshop/Feb 2016


Anomalies Innsbruck is part of a series of international workshops organized by studio Soqotra in which ones we will research new possibilities for digital design within the current discourse of the discipline of architecture. This time students will be designing an outdoor facility, Music Pavilion in the Hofgarten, Innsbruck.

With the arousal of a new architectural movement in the 90's, along with a new understanding of form, classical arguments such as proportion, composition or beauty shifted to much more intricate concepts as aesthetics or genre. The workshop will be researching the possibilities of new spaces based in the blob as a geometrical ontology. Architects like Greg Lynn (Embryological House), Friedrich Kiesler (Endless House), Peter Cook (Kunsthaus Graz) or Antti Lovag  (Palais Bulles) have been exploring the qualities of this specific form. During this workshop we will explore digital techniques to produce, manipulate and develop further innovations within this topic.

Classical arguments such proportion, composition or beauty shifted to much more intricate concepts based on aesthetics genre. Genre triggers more interesting possibilities for classifying a category of artistic endeavors having a particular form, content, technique or the like, than the classical typologies. Design proposals become even more provocative when the result combine qualities of different genres without sacrificing its condition to belong indistinctly to both of those primitive genres. Opposite genres come together to produce novelties in the creation of new entities which never were combined before. Strange objects which their simply definition is incongruous because the accumulation of adjectives can't be pictured.
