Digital Surgery Jan14

Digital Surgery Workshop- Jose Carlos Lopez Cervantes
This 3 days workshop will explore digital techniques to create monstrosity from benign form. Sophisticated surgery techniques will be observed as an evolution of the traditional assembly in architecture. Micro interventions will be understand as a catalog of possible connections. Computational design methods will be use to implement surgery actions like cutting, carving, trimming, sawing, grafting, stitching...
Students will navigate in between the thresholds of the horrific-becoming-beautiful and the beautiful-becoming-horrific (grotesque) exploring the possibilities of the new mutant tissue to generate form/façade as an autonomous entity that will emanate from the outside to the inside of the tissue of the city.

Head of the studio: Willy Muller/Pablo Ros
Guest Professor: Hernan Diaz Alonso
Teaching: Jose Carlos Lopez Cervantes